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Welcome to the Welsh Welly Wanging Open

Croeso i'r "Welly Wanging" agored Cymreig

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The 10th annual Welsh Welly Wanging Open Championship was held on
Saturday 10th June 2023 at Shirenewton in Monmouthshire.

Cynhaliwyd 10fed Pencampwriaeth Agored Cymru " Welly Wanging" ar ddydd
Sadwrn 10 Mehefin 2023 yn Drenewydd Gellifarch, Sir Fynwy.

Click here for the results from/cliciwch yma am y canlyniadau o 2023!

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Current Records / Cofnodion Cyfredol:

Category/Categori Record Holder/ Deiliad Record Distance/Pellter Year/Flwyddyn
Men/Dynion Rhys Jenkins 33.80m 2023
Women/Menywod Sarah Trim 18.0m 2014
<16 Boys/Bechgyn Charlie D 24.8m 2023
<16 Girls/Merched Sarah 18.2m 2023
<13 Boys/Bechgyn Ben Tregertha 19.0m 2015
<13 Girls/Merched Caitlin 14.50m 2023

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